Near the end of Until The End Of The World there's a brief chord section that wants to go in the direction of the chorus from Head Like A Hole. I'm not trying to depress you, but the coda of Stay sounds a lot like My Cherie Amour when you compare them. We can debate whether BTBS has its genesis in a Nugent tune, but do you even have to listen to them to know which one is better? Nugent has the longest career of no new ideas and should get an award for it. Personally, all the u2 and Bono bashing is tired to say the least. Loads of great songs "kravitz" from other songs, or should we say, younger songs are often the love children of older ones? The lyric "there is a silence that comes to a house where no one can sleep" is Raymond Carver. However, artists create new value from other artists work all the time. I don't have U2 By U2 in front of me, but I believe in one section Adam refers to Ted Nugent, and I think it's Stranglehold. Please let me know what your thoughts are. Lastly, if any trained musicians could possibly dissect both songs and compare them musicallyto see if there truly is a comparison in regards to music theory, that would begreat and would add to the discussion I believe. Mainly becauseI don’t want to believe it. So, in light of this, can everyone listen to the song onyoutube and tell me what you think in terms of the comparison with Bullet theBlue Sky? Do they sound eerily alike, or am I just going crazy? If they dosound alike, do you think U2 purposely copied Stranglehold, or is thiscoincidence? I really want to get other people’s perspective on this. This discovery got me pretty depressed, as Inever thought U2 would ever do such a thing and have created everything fromtheir own minds and hearts. But after I listened to Stranglehold, it sounded eerily similar to Bullet the Blue Sky,almost identical in some spots.

Atfirst I didn’t want to believe that U2 would copy another artist, especiallywith one of my favorite U2 songs. However with that said, I recently saw on a popular guitarforum multiple people SLAM Bullet the Blue Sky as a complete knockoff of thesong Stranglehold ,by Ted Nugent. But before I get tomy main question and point, let me preface it by saying that I’m a huge U2 fanand they’re my favorite band.